I Lost My Legs And Fingers To Sepsis - But Now I'm A Model | SHAKE MY BEAUTY

2021-11-02 33

29-YEAR-OLD model Kia Brazil from Wisconsin survived a severe case of sepsis two years ago. During the life-threatening illness, Kia endured three heart attacks, and it eventually resulted in the amputation of her fingers and both her legs. Kia told Truly: “I woke up with stomach cramps and three hours later I was dying, the doctors told my family to say their goodbyes.” Miraculously Kia survived her illness and although having to undergo 28 surgeries in total, the mother of two was adamant to stay positive. With her kids as the main focus, she wanted to show them she could still do the things she was capable of doing prior to her sickness. “Being in this situation it was like, I can either sink and I will bring my kids with me, or I can float, and they’ll be sailing right along the side of me.” Using her wheelchair and prosthetic legs to get around Kia doesn’t consider herself disabled. “I’m not disabled, I am very able, I can clean the house and play with my kids and pretty much do anything the average human would do.” And this positive attitude towards life is something Kia is passionate about sharing. One of the first things she did after getting out of the hospital was having her picture taken, and modelling has since become an important part of her life. Kia added: “Me being a disabled model will share a light over so many different people, I want kids that may see my pictures to think if she can do it, I can do it too.”

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